Friday, September 14, 2012

Non-surgical Facelift – How to Turn Back the Clock Without Surgery

As we age, our skin gets thinner due to loss of collagen. In addition, there is also depletion of facial volume from bone absorption and loss of facial fat pads, leading to deflated and descended cheeks. Now, it is no longer about only treating lines or wrinkles but facial volume loss - which is a key sign of aging should also be addressed. The Non-surgical Facelift or Liquid Face Lift is a scapel-free alternative that can target multiple aging concerns.

Increasingly more people are opting for Non-surgical Facelift with injectable fillers and Botox to achieve a more subtle, natural and youthful look. Hyaluronic acid filler (which is made of a sugar occuring naturally in our skin) smoothes lines and restores volume while Botox softens lines and wrinkles. The effects typically last from 6 to 18 months.

Non-surgical Facelift offers the added benefit of :
  • Instant effects
  • Natural looking results
  • Minimal recovery time where the patient can resume their daily activities immediately

When it comes to enhancing facial volume, a small amount of filler goes a long way. These before and after photos show significant improvement with Non-surgical Facelift. (Left photo : before Non-surgical Facelift, Right photo : after Non-surgical Facelift) Photo source : Juvederm


1 comment:

  1. Sick and tired of wrinkled skin?
    The ChinUp Mask is a revolutionary facelift mask that hit the market by storm.
